“The trade cycle is a purely monetary phenomenon because general demand is itself a monetary phenomenon.” – R. G. Hawtrey Do you know that all changes in the level of […]
Work-Life (Im)Balance: Memahami Hustle Culture Melalui Perspektif Ekonomi Author : Triani Pada tahun 2020, Indonesia mulai memasuki periode untuk memetik bonus demografi karena sebagian besar penduduknya merupakan usia produktif yaitu […]
Throughout the years the proportion of overeducation in countries has continuing to decline although the proportion has remained stable. In Indonesia, there was a downward trend in overeducation from 2006-2016. […]
“Indonesia Poverty Condition : The Responsibility of Education” Author : Kefas Prajna Christiawan Kondisi kemiskinan di Indonesia, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) menjelaskan konsep kemiskinan di Indonesia diukur melalui kemampuan p […]
Dikenal sebagai pekerjaan tertua di dunia, prostitusi justru semakin berkembang di tengah arus urbanisasi yang masif. Tingkat urbanisasi yang tinggi, tapi tidak diiringi dengan perencanaan pembangunan yang baik, justru dapat […]
Access to modern energy has always been something that we take for granted. Little do we realise that a number of citizens in Indonesia still suffer from energy poverty. Household […]
“ASEAN’s Road to Green Economic Growth: Potential Role of Renewable Energy” Climate change is no longer an issue that can be ignored and it must be dealt with sooner than […]
Authors: Mathew Sijabat & Katya Loviana Introduction Income inequality is an enduring issue in economic development discussions, along with poverty. According to Karagiannaki (2017), inequality causes harmful effects to economic […]