Non-communicable diseases (NCD), also known as chronic diseases, have become a serious problem in the last few decades. In 2016, NCD caused around 71% of deaths worldwide (World Health Organization, […]
Financial inclusion, an oftenly-used term amongst economists these days, describes a situation that is, as quoted by World Bank (2018), considered as a key enabler in reducing poverty. As financial […]
For most people, saving money in the bank or transferring money may be so normalized that they often take it for granted. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the […]
Di tengah perlambatan sektor properti residensial Indonesia, generasi milenial muncul dan bergeliat memenuhi ruang di dalam aktivitas ekonomi. Faktanya, ternyata mereka memiliki perilaku berbeda dalam kepemilikan properti residensial dengan generasi […]
HIV atau Human Immunodeficiency Virus merupakan virus yang menyerang sistem imun manusia, hingga saat ini HIV telah menginfeksi 74,9 juta orang di dunia (UNAIDS data, 2019). Tingginya angka pada kasus […]
Bagi banyak negara, menghelat Olimpiade merupakan sesuatu yang menarik untuk dilakukan. Pemasukan hak siar televisi hingga pertumbuhan sektor pariwisata menjadi manfaat yang diharapkan dari perhelatan tersebut. Akan tetapi, belakangan jumlah […]
Sound decisions can only be based on unbiased information. Therefore, the trust on the impartiality of the media is key towards an informed and flourishing society that can make the […]