[Ricardian Model of International Trade and Comparative Advantage] Is it true that there is a country that is more superior than other when it comes to trade? or is it true that a poor country does not have any production advantage? David Ricardo discovered a simple model of international trade. The model has it in […]

Capitalism vs. Communism: Can They Coexist? China’s Economic Miracle Reveals the Answer

Author: Cynthia Aretha Ketika Paradigma Komunisme Bertemu dengan Realitas Kapitalisme, Sebuah Kontradiksi yang Menarik Apa yang kamu pikirkan ketika pertama kali mendengar kata ‘komunis’? Mungkin sebagian dari kita akan mengasosiasikan kata itu dengan memori sejarah yang cukup kompleks dan sensitif bagi Indonesia pada tahun 1965. Tidak menutup kemungkinan pula terlintas di benak kita adalah ‘otoriterisme’ […]

Unlocking the Labour Market Consequences of the Energy Transition

Author: Mutiara Chandragati Ramadhan There is an ongoing trend in energy transition from conventional energy sources of energy such as fossil fuels to renewable energy sources globally in the 2000s. More global efforts and policies have been continuously developed since the 2000s. These include the efforts to advance the technologies of wind turbine designs as […]

Sweetening History: Exploring the Economic Evolution of Javanese Sugar Industries in the Dutch East Indies

Author: Nawfal Aulia Luthfurrahman Indonesian cuisine has colorful flavors as a symbol of national wealth and is marked by sugar as a symbol of life. The philosophy of this cuisine comes from the rich spices produced by Indonesia in various regions supported by its culture of taste seekers. However, one prominent identity of Indonesian cuisine, […]